Prepare For StrongFirst Kettlebell Instructor Level 1: WEEK 6: The School of Strength - Mojo Strength

Prepare For StrongFirst Kettlebell Instructor Level 1: WEEK 6: The School of Strength

By Peter Bolsius March 2, 2017


Prepare For StrongFirst Kettlebell Instructor Level 1: WEEK 6: The School of Strength

Posted in by Peter Bolsius on March 2, 2017.

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School of Strength

StrongFirst is a school of strength. Mojo Strength is a school of strength.

I am a student of strength.

I am switching places from Coach to Student and will be learning for 8 hours this Sunday at the workshop. This is NOT the “Cert” This is the STRONGFIRST  WORKSHOP   This will be my 6th workshop! Everytime I do this workshop as a student or a coach, I learn more or consolidate. There is always that “Ahaa!” moment.

What do we do at this workshop?

4 Exercises: Swing, Goblet Squat, Get Up and Press. They will be pulled apart and re-built over 8 hours. This is In-Depth Coaching from the industry’s best.

It’s what StrongFirst Stands for: Quality!


Search for a coach, sign up for a workshop. Always strive to improve. never be complacent. – Peter Bolsius SFG1

Rite of Passage:

CT, my coach, hasn’t been with me while I practiced these last few times. Mmmmmm was that a mistake?  I may have pushed the envelope a little.

As you know, I’ve been following my version of ‘Rite of Passage” by Pavel, We’ve adjusted it to what we want to achieve. i.e. Arrive strong and fit for the StrongFirst Instructor’s Certificate in June

I warm-up with Get ups. I do:  (each side) 1 x naked (no weight) 1 x 12kg, 1 x 16kg, 1 x 20kg, 1 x 24kg, and finish with 1 x Kettlebell Get up28kg ea. side. (that’s my re-cert weight) I’ll stick with that till 28 is so easy, I can just step up to the 32kg. (remember, 16 weeks to go.) I hit 1 arm clean and presses with the 24kg + pull-ups after that.

Last week I started with: Ladders of 1-2-3 x 5. Easy. Then, ladders of 1-2-3-4 x 5 still easy. Monday, I felt strong and hit ladders of 1-2-3-4-5 x 5! That may have been a mistake. 33% increase on the previous practice session. That’s a 150 total C+Ps and 75 Pull-ups if my math serves me well. Too much too soon. In hindsight, I should have added 1 or 2 sets of 5 then another couple till I hit all 5 sets. I was a bit sore I must say. “Ache…y” would be a better word. (Is that a word?) So, what to do? I want to be fresh for the workshop on Sunday.

Yesterday (Wednesday) I did,

  • C+P & Pull-up ladders going back to 1-2-3 x 5 protocol (60 total C+P 30 total Pull-ups)
  • Swings 24kg, 1 arm: 5 + 5 x 10 EMOM. That was easy.
  • Then, I jumped in with a group at the gym I was coaching and did 15 sets x 10 of 2 arm swings with a 28kg (easy) and push-ups, bear crawls, goblet squats etc. Not hard. Got my heart rate up again and more blood running around the body. Friday will be something similar.

Nice n Easy. Today, I feel strong!!

Monday, after the workshop, I’ll repeat that again. That will put me back into the cycle.

The cycle will look like this:

Monday: Ladders 1-2-3 x 5, Wednesday ladders 1-2-3-4 x 5, Friday, ladders 1-2-3-4-5 x 5 with swings or snatches for 10 minutes EMOM (Every Minute On the Minute) and the Get-ups as warm-up.

I’ll repeat that for the next few weeks. Working on form and increasing my swing and snatch numbers. i.e. 5 reps to 6 reps each side, then 7 reps etc.

On my “Off days” 2 arm swings 10 x 10 EMOM with 36kg or 40kg, Get-up practice as above, and Goblet squats or  1 arm squats, sets of 5. Throw in 10-15 minutes of “Cook Carries Video HERE.”  That’s plenty. Again, easy practice.

THE WORKSHOP:StrongFirst Instructor Certificate

Join me and see what it is about.

What is this Workshop? See HERE 

SIGN UP for the Workshop HERE $299 AU.  Last Chance!  8 hours of world class coaching.


If you have any comments or questions, pop them below or email me directly HERE

If I can help you with your training or you need info regarding workshops and Certs, just let me know.

Slow n steady! Start easy, progress slowly.

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Thanks for reading.

Peter Bolsius SFG1

Owner & Founder Mojo Strength Sydney

More Information About Prepare For StrongFirst Kettlebell Instructor Level 1: WEEK 6: The School of Strength

For more information about Prepare For StrongFirst Kettlebell Instructor Level 1: WEEK 6: The School of Strength, or any other fitness related questions you might have please get in touch.
