Prepare For StrongFirst Kettlebell Instructor Level 1: Week 8: Commit to the task - Mojo Strength

Prepare For StrongFirst Kettlebell Instructor Level 1: Week 8: Commit to the task

By Peter Bolsius March 17, 2017


Prepare For StrongFirst Kettlebell Instructor Level 1: Week 8: Commit to the task

Posted in by Peter Bolsius on March 17, 2017.

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Commit to the task!

Until you really commit and sign up to the StrongFirst Instructor Certification, you are just kidding yourself. Everyone who has sat the StrongFirst Instructor Certification has said the same thing:

“Shit got real after they signed up!”

Until you sign up, you have not made the commitment. You are just stroking your ego. Mental masturbation. Then the stories and excuses will come up like “I am not prepared” “I don’t have the time” or “I can’t afford it”

Why? Because you didn’t commit! So, you stay the same for another year! Well Done.

When you sign up, when you commit to the task, it’s a change of mindset. Your training and practice has purpose. It takes on meaning. You have serious purpose when you go to the gym!

Why do you think I am doing this Certification all over again? If I want, I just re-sit the test 20 minutes prior to the CERT and assist. I can avoid 30 hours of intense instruction, scrutiny  and gruelling practice. Why would I do that? It gives purpose to my training! It makes me a better coach!

I come into the gym knowing what I am training for! When was the last time you had that?

Commit to the challenge.

It would not be an understatement to say that 90% of participants under-estimate the challenge ahead. The StrongFirst Instructor Certification is not your everyday course. Most “Certifications” are given i.e. You show up, you get certified. StrongFirst is different.

  • You prepare
  • You practice
  • You are instructed
  • You are scrutinised.
  • You are tested
  • Pass or Fail

You better be prepared on the day or you better be ready to do a lot of work after it to make up for what you didn’t pass. The CERT is very demanding. Only the best get to become instructors. That comes with work. Do NOT underestimate your preparation!

The best coach

If you want to be the best coach you can be, then learn from the best. Take it seriously, invest!

StrongFirst Group

I’ll tell you how seriously I take this. I am travelling to Italy so I can sit the CERT there, a week before the Sydney CERT. That’s how fucking serious I am. Italy!

Why? Because it’s another opportunity to work with the best coaches in the world! It’s an opportunity to become one of those coaches. An opportunity to become a better athlete. I turn 55 this year. I want to be better at 55 than I was at 45 or even 35! Never stop getting better. Never stop challenging yourself.

That’s why I have committed to 2 StrongFirst Instructor Certifications in 10 days!! In 2 continents!

Yes, I like to challenge myself. You?

I’m not saying this to big note myself, I am hoping to inspire you to challenge yourself. Please give it a go. This Certification can change your life! It did mine.

You have 2 choices:

  1. Make excuses as to why you can’t do it.
  2. Find reasons why you must!

You decide your future.

I hope this series helps you. We want to rock up to the StrongFirst Instructor Certificate ready and fresh.

If you have any comments or questions, pop them below or email me directlyHERE

If I can help you with your training or you need info regarding workshops and Certs, just let me know.

Slow n steady! Start easy, progress slowly.

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Thanks for reading.

Peter Bolsius SFG1

Owner & Founder Mojo Strength Sydney

More Information About Prepare For StrongFirst Kettlebell Instructor Level 1: Week 8: Commit to the task

For more information about Prepare For StrongFirst Kettlebell Instructor Level 1: Week 8: Commit to the task, or any other fitness related questions you might have please get in touch.

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