Prepare For StrongFirst Kettlebell Instructor Level 1: Week 12: More Snatch Practice. - Mojo Strength

Prepare For StrongFirst Kettlebell Instructor Level 1: Week 12: More Snatch Practice.

By Peter Bolsius April 13, 2017


Prepare For StrongFirst Kettlebell Instructor Level 1: Week 12: More Snatch Practice.

Posted in by Peter Bolsius on April 13, 2017.

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The video above is about swings, not snatches…..why?

Well, first off, the problem of a sore lower back due to incorrect SWING technique is rampant and therefore needs to be addressed before even considerring the snatch. Besides…..

The snatch is a swing that finishes in the overhead position, so you best have a strong swing

We are 9 weeks out  from the StrongFirst Instructor Certification in Sydney. (June 16-18 2017) and I am 8 weeks out from my Cert in Italy. (June 9-11 2017)

My snatch practice has been made up of the following.

  • 10 x 10 1 arm swings every morning upon awakening 24kg bell. 4.00am for me Coogee beach 7 days a week. I get that done in 5 minutes or less. (note I am a “master” athlete so my testing bell is 20kgs)
  • 7+7 x 10 snatches 24kg bell every minute on the minute (EMOM) 7 left + 7 right, rest remainder of minute. I do these twice a week. Wednesday and Saturday. Easy.
  • 10 x 10 2 arm swings 36kg bell EMOM Monday and Friday.

I know, that 100 snatches with 20kg kettlebell in 5 minutes will be easy on game day following this protocol simply because.

  1. I use a bell, 1 size up from my test weight for my snatch practice.
  2. I develop endurance in the hips with the 24kg swings every morning.
  3. I develop strength with the 36kg kettlebell swings.

It’s simple. This whole process has been simple.

Go back through weeks 1 to today. Nothing special, nothing complicated. Just practice and consistency. I started with 32kg 2 arm swings on week 1 after not swinging for months, and they were hard!  Consistency has brought me to easy 32kg 1 arm swings, easy 36kg 2 arm swings. Very easy 24kg 1 arm swings and easy 7 + 7 24kg snatches.   mojo strength

I will build the snatches up to 8 + 8 over the next few weeks. Then I will do some 28kg snatches for 4 + 4. Again, they will be relatively easy.

The whole essence of this entire series is to rock up to the StrongFirst Instructor Certificate in top shape. No injuries, No burn out. Roaring and ready to go. That’s it. If I can do that, mission accomplished. Stick with me for these last weeks.

Need Help?

If you have signed up and need some help with your preparation, get onto a qualified coach. Head on over to the StrongFirst Instructor List HERE.

If you haven’t signed up….WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? Time is ticking!!! Get onto it!!


If you have any comments or questions, pop them below or email me directlyHERE

If I can help you with your training or you need info regarding workshops and Certs in Sydney, just let me know.

Slow n steady! Start easy, progress slowly.

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Thanks for reading.

Peter Bolsius

Kettlebell Instructor Peter Bolsius SFG1

More Information About Prepare For StrongFirst Kettlebell Instructor Level 1: Week 12: More Snatch Practice.

For more information about Prepare For StrongFirst Kettlebell Instructor Level 1: Week 12: More Snatch Practice., or any other fitness related questions you might have please get in touch.

mojo strength Peter Bolsius