Prepare For StrongFirst Kettlebell Instructor Level 1: Week 10: Do The Work
Prepare For StrongFirst Kettlebell Instructor Level 1: Week 10: Do The Work
Posted in Uncategorized by Peter Bolsius on March 30, 2017.
Do The Work!
You know the destination is the StrongFirst 3 day Instructor Certificate. It’s 30 hours of intense instruction and training. Coming out the other side (if we do the work ) with a SFG1 Certification. One of the most treasured certifications you can get.
The main phrase here is Do The Work! The StrongFirst Instructor certification, unlike most others is a performance based certification. You are assessed on:
- Your ability to perform the 6 movements: The Get Up, Swing, Squat, Snatch, Clean, Press.
- Your ability to demonstrate the same 6 movements
- Your ability to teach the 6 movements.
You need to come into the 3 day Cert ready to go. Practiced, relatively proficient at all these movements. Yes, you get great coaching and practice time the whole weekend, however, you don’t want to be coming into it not knowing how to do them. This is a time for small tweaks. Small adjustments in style and performance. Therefore, you need to Do The Work prior.
My Practice, How I Do the Work.
I’ve been doing the clean and press program from Enter The kettlebell with great results. Slow steady progress over the weeks. If pressing is an issue, I highly recommend using this program for a few cycles to get your strength up. Men should be able to press the 24kg bell easily for 5 or more reps, Girls the 16kg bell for 5 or more reps. If you aren’t there yet, stick to this program.
Now, I am stepping into my original program that I got from Brett Jones at the StrongFirst Web-site.
This is the program I used last time to sit the Certification. It’s a great program, it gives us the opportunity to practice the 6 lifts and also sets the scene for 3 consecutive days of training.
Did Monday and Tuesday. Yesterday (Wednesday) was a “rest day” and I just did get up and snatch practice. Barely raising a sweat, just working purely on technique. Then Thursday, Friday and Saturday in a row.
I see most guys have trouble with the pressing, so I repeat, if that is your issue, stick with the Ladder Program from Enter The Kettlebell
Need Help?
If you have signed up and need some help with your preparation, get onto a qualified coach. Head on over to the StrongFirst Instructor List HERE.
If you haven’t signed up….WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?
If you have any comments or questions, pop them below or email me directlyHERE
If I can help you with your training or you need info regarding workshops and Certs, just let me know.
Slow n steady! Start easy, progress slowly.
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Thanks for reading.
Peter Bolsius SFG1
Owner & Founder of Mojo Strength.
More Information About Prepare For StrongFirst Kettlebell Instructor Level 1: Week 10: Do The Work
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