The Power of Habit to Build a Better Life, La Perouse Trainer Explains
The Power of Habit to Build a Better Life, La Perouse Trainer Explains
Posted in Alpha Male Project by Peter Bolsius on March 27, 2017.
What if I told you that there were particular habits that have the power to change you life? Now when we talk about habits, we are normally referring to “bad” habits: Poor diet, lack of exercise, unhealthy lifestyle choices (smoking, drinking etc.)
We need to get into “good” habits if we want to see positive changes in our lives and in our bodies. These eight habits have the power to do that, let me explain…
Here are 8 habits that have the power to change your life:
A positive habit done first thing in the morning can totally transform your life. Imagine what 8 could do? Invest the time early in the morning and even if the day goes pear shaped, you still have done the most important things.
I’ve been doing these for a while now. Some habits longer than others. It’s changing my life! Try them, they might change yours. Start with 1 and add 1 or 2 a week. Be consistent and win the day, everyday.
We are what we repeatedly do, Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit – Aristotle
1) The power of sleep
First on the list. Sleep, the most under-estimated fat loss and stress reliever we have. It’s that important. Get 7 hours.
2) The importance of movement
Do something every morning. It can be your training session of the day at Mojo Strength. Or it can be a warm-up movement/mobility session. It doesn’t have to be really strenuous, just get active! Watch the video below where I show you how to complete a simple Bear Crawl. Move or Die!
3) The power of meditation (or prayer)
Meditate (or pray, whatever you are into) for 10 minutes. This one thing is having a massive impact on my life. I’ve never been into it at all. I’ve been using the HeadSpace app. Simple, effective.
4) Invigorate yourself with a cold shower or swim
Yes, even in winter. I read about this from Tony Robbins about 8 months ago. It causes “a dramatic change of state.” I love going down to La Perouse or one of the other beaches in my area, and haven’t missed a morning since! It’s like “WoooHooo, I’m awake!” Try it. Start with 5 seconds and move up from there.
5) Start the day right with a good breakfast
This is something I tell all the guys at the Alpha Project – Always start the day with a good breakfast. It sets the scene for the rest of the day, and helps you power through it. Get 30 grams of protein, some veggies, some fat. My go to? 3 eggs, 1 cup baby spinach. 1/2 avocado a touch of quality olive oil. You can pretty much get that anywhere on the planet.
6) Feed your mind with something motivating or educational
Listen to something motivating: Here’s a video you can listen to on the way to work. It’s better than listening to some bullshit talk radio show. Up-lift. Motivate, stoke the fire! Podcasts are another great option. Listening on the way to work can turn your car into a travelling university and have the power to make you think differently. Make the most of your time. Don’t waste it.
7) The power of reviewing your life vision
Review your life vision. Create one today. Seriously, If you don’t have a life vision, (and it can change over time,) you are missing out. Create the life you want by building and reviewing that vision every day. Make it so exciting that you can’t wait to get out of bed! Don’t let others create it for you! Do the work.
8) The habit of doing one thing
Do one thing everyday that takes you closer to your long term vision. Review and then do one thing towards achieving that. It doesn’t have to be big, just consistent. Do something everyday and 365 things get done in a year! Need I say more?

The steps needed to work towards your life vision
Looking for power training with REAL results In La Perouse?
If you need help setting and achieving your goals contact the team at Mojo Strength.
We help people move well, lift heavy, be awesome.
Perfect for those that live locally, including those in La Perouse.
Thanks for reading.
Peter Bolsius SFG1
Owner & Founder Mojo Strength Sydney & The Alpha Project
More Information About The Power of Habit to Build a Better Life, La Perouse Trainer Explains
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